In coma for more then 13 years now

Cause? - cerebral hypoxia - a result of medical negligence after the surgical operation

More than 13 years of rehabilitation eventually brought up first attempts of establishing contact with the outer world.


Adrian (43).

  • Adrian - an out standing musician.
  • Adrian - a member of various bands.
  • Adrian - used to give concerts all over the world, including the USA.
  • Adrian - a son.
  • Adrian - a pall.
  • Adrian - vivid, open-minded, remarkable.
  • Adrian - just one of us, a lot is left to be said.


29 October 2007, a tour in Russia.

The van with the band on board, crashes.

As a tragic result, Witek, the drummer dies.

Adrian himself, is severely injured.

Soon after being transported back to Poland, Adrian undergoes a highly complex neo surgical operation, at the University Hospital in Cracow.

The operation was considered successful at the time.

36 hours induced coma, concluded, due to medical negligence, with a cardiac arrest and defuse cerebral hypoxia...

23 April 2008 after six months of treatment at the hospital Adrian is finally brought back home.


Adrian has been treated not only at home, but also in medical and rehabilitation centres.

Adrian's home has been facilitated in the most efficient way in order to speed up his recovery.

All the innovative methods applied require huge involvement of many highly qualified staff and what's more, great financial input is required far beyond what his family can afford.

Regular medical consultations, often a long distance away from home, have now become more frequent thanks to the purchase of a specially designed and adjusted to Adrians needs vehicle. Now the transport is much more feasible.

The total cost of Adrian's treatment and expensive neurological medications lays exclusively with his family.


Still, however he is conscious, there is no communication with him. Every single day, Adrian requires full 24 hour paramedical care.

A range of different medical methods and activities has already been involved, including: 36 hours weekly of physiotherapy, special therapeutic massages and also 10 hour nurse care daily and others unusual methods (acupressure, vibration, magnetic fields, etc). It is necessary constant supervision by neurological, physiotherapist and medical specialists. Frequent medical consultations are ongoing demand.


We would appreciate further financial aid, as we are incapable of covering the costs of the treatment all by ourselves. It is with your help, that we would like to see Adrian back to health. We are soon planning to install a lifting platform to avoid such great difficulties for out/in going house. All the time we are improving his daily life by supplying him with necessary small equipment. In coming future we are planning to go for cell treatment therapy in one of the Western countries clinics. We are happy to answer all your queries either via phone or e-mail.

Regarding Adrian's improvement We will keep you updated a website devoted to Adrian and also at Anna Dymna's Foundation /Against the Odds/

Many thanks to all who have been supporting us with their financial aid both for the Foundation, as well as, individual donations for Adrian. We are also grateful towards those who encouraged us to hope, and to all people of good will, who organized concerts and visited Adrian all the time.

We would like to thank on behalf of Adrian, the Foundation and ours. We wouldn't have been where are at present, if it weren't for your help.

Adrians Family and friends.

Jeżeli chcesz podarować 1% swojego podatku Adrianowi, wpisz w zeznaniu podatkowym:
  1. Nazwę wybranej organizacji:
    Fundacja Anny Dymnej Mimo Wszystko
  2. Numer KRS organizacji: 0000174486
  3. KONIECZNIE w rubryce Informacje uzupełniające:
    Cel szczególny Adrian Kowanek.
  4. Kwotę wpłaty
Więcej informacji na stronie jeden procent na OPP.

Jeżeli chcesz wspomóc Adriana darowizną, dokonaj bezpośredniej wpłaty na konto:

Adrian Kowanek
BZ WBK : 63 1090 2053 0000 0001 1249 4054

IBAN No: PL63109020530000000112494054

Adres do korespondencji:

Ewa i Leszek Kowankowie
ul. Koło Białuchy 23
31-215 Kraków

tel. +48 12 415-14-69
kom. +48 601-959-174

Bannery do pobrania